Power Line Workers maintain safety for both the public and electrical crews. Their responsibilities include installing, removing, maintaining, and repairing high-voltage and low-voltage distribution lines and associated equipment and facilities. A lineman will be knowledgeable of commercial truck driving, safety, electrical theory, climbing techniques, aerial framing, rigging, and utility service equipment.
Program Statistics
100% of 2017 graduates had multiple offers of employment before completing the program.
There will likely be at least 300 job openings in the near future.
Salary Range
New workers generally start around $49,183. Normal pay for Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers is $75,914 per year, while highly experienced workers can earn as much as $102,492 (Source: lightcast.com).
Where Can I Live?
Jobs are available locally and throughout the United States.
For more information:
Contact Lisa Lowe at (276) 223-4717 or llowe@wcc.v-lanterna.com.